Improve The Way You Move

Tune into your body and improve the way you move by using a combination of Biomechanics (the study of the human body and how it moves in mechanical terms), Pilates and Trigger Point to release, restore and strengthen.

We've always been told to keep pushing through pain to get stronger and fitter, remember the campaign 'No Pain No Gain', how wrong can they be! It's actually better for your body to take a step back, release, restore and strengthen the areas that need additional focus and then there will be no stopping you!

Your body will always try to find the easiest way to get from A-B. This can mean some muscles over-work. Most people's bodies are over-compensating for biomechanical faults. You might not notice everyday problems. But if you continue to exercise, work, sit, walk, and drive the same way, your body will let you know! For example, if you are right-handed you will naturally use your right side more and could get shoulder ache but in actual fact this could be coming from your knee.

As a fully trained Biomechanics Coach, my skills are focused in identifying areas at risk of injury within your body. This is done by a series of screens of the pelvis, shoulders, spine, knees, feet, nerves and muscles to see whether they are functioning correctly.

We have a huge amount of success with low grade aches, niggles, recurring injuries and pains.

Small group - Improve the Way You Move - 6-week course will

- Hold you to account in a way that respects your body and your life.
- Help reduce or eliminate lower back pain and stiffness
- Give you the tools to help release niggles, address physical imbalances and posture issues
- Let you see and feel progression in your abilities and strength, week on week
- Help you feel great both physically and mentally
- Focus on your individual needs


I have been attending Debbie's Pilates classes for a number of years needing to strengthen my body after numerous stomach surgeries and then suffering a back injury. I recently completed her 6-week biomechanics course in a bid to better understand my body and the aches and pains that plagued me from time to time.

Over the 6 weeks, we worked on different parts of the body. The small class size meant plenty of one-to-one attention. Each week we undertook a review of our body's ability and ran through a set of stretches and strengthening exercises which we then practiced over the following week. The exercises differed depending on individual needs and took a little time each day.

As this newfound respect for my body evolved, my aches and pains began to abate,

Debbie's process helped me to understand why my body was complaining, she helped me to hear those complaints and gave me a range of responses to them. Her enthusiasm and knowledge are priceless, and her programs are a great addition to anyone’s arsenal.

Today I can assert that I am ‘body aware’, knowing when I feel less flexible and have a range of interesting responses to help me deal with anything.

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