
Biomechanics is the study of how the human body moves, using principles of mechanics to better understand how it works.

For years we've been told to push through pain to get fitter and stronger. Remember the old "No pain, No gain" mantra? It turns out they couldn't have been more wrong. Instead, your body thrives when you take a step back to release tension, restore balance, and strengthen the areas that need extra care. When you do this, you'll unlock your true potential - without discomfort holding you back!

Your body is incredibly clever and will always find the easiest way to move from A to B. But this can often mean some muscles are overworking, while others are underused. Over time this can lead to biomechanical imbalances, which your body tries to compensate for. You may not notice it at first, but over time these patterns can cause discomfort or even pain. For example, if you're right-handed you likely use your right side more often, which might lead to shoulder pain, but the root cause could actually be an issue with your knee!

As a fully trained Biomechanics Coach my skills are focused in identifying areas at risk of injury within your body. This is done by a series of screens of the pelvis, shoulders, spine, knees, feet, nerves, and muscles to see whether they are functioning correctly.

In our Pilates classes we incorporate Biomechanics techniques including iMoveFreely muscle energy exercises, nerve mobilisations, and joint releases. These gentle but powerful methods help free your body from recurring aches, niggles, or old injuries, giving you greater freedom of movement. Most importantly, they'll boost your confidence in how you move, so you can feel stronger, more balanced, and ready to embrace life to the fullest.

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